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How to present your artworks.

Set up a file The approach consists in suggesting a concise file. It will then help you to get appointments without experiencing door to door. Today, your file is your website in which we should (...)
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ARR. All Rights Reserved or All Rights Removed?

Nowadays some publishings use the label ’All Rights Reserved’ excessively, without due authorization and knowing their mistake.
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Imprimer ses photos. Préparation pour le grand format.

Bien préparer ses photographies pour une impression grand format demande de comprendre quelques techniques. Cet article vous aidera à mettre le pied à l’étriller.
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La photographie argentique grand format au 21ème siècle.

A l’heure du numérique bon marché, performant et facile d’accès, la photographie argentique a-t’elle encore sa place? Les photographes continuant à la défendre font-ils fausse route?
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Chamois. (photo hunt)

Chamois in photography, tips and tricks. Identification, approach, their life.
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Art galleries

Art professionals are all specialised in a certain type of art and generally only find interest in this type. That is why you need to target your interlocutors.
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Equipment for non-digital large format photography

Equipment for view camera, processing and printing.
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Fiscal policies CFE / CVAE

Fiscal policies for companies. Fiscal deductions for buying art. Fiscal deductions for numbered artworks. Professional tax exemption.
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Prendre des cours photos à Annecy à Genève

Davantage de cours photos? Stéphan, formateur et photographe pro, propose des cours photos dans la belle ville d’Annecy. En amateur, en confirmé, ou pour devenir pro, ces cours perfectionnerons (...)
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Prepare an exhibition.

The press, art professionnals, collectors, the general public are the four essential components to the success of a personal exhibition.
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