AccueilCollectif de photographes Art-Logic.Services aux créatifs

12 juin 2012.

Borrow or hire from the association.

Members of the collective can borrow freely devices from the (...)

Give to the association

Rather than stockpiling or throwing away things, you can give them to the association. They may be useful to authors-artists-photographers.
We will pay great attention to your material donation and will make all the maintenance they will need. Your tools will have a second life in our association. This mutual help will be worthwhile for all of us.

Borrow to the association

Members of the collective can borrow freely devices from the association for a maximum period of one month. The equipment should be returned by the borrower in order to be available for other members of the association.

Guarantee, hiring, bail, functioning

  1. Bail : To motivate the return in due time, a bail is required for borrowed objects. The object would be borrowed for a maximum period of one month. This bail will be given back as the object will be returned to the association. After notifying the borrower once and if the object is still in her/his possession, the bail will be cashed (Oh no he’s so nasty !).
  1. Hiring : Some precious or fragile equipment require a small payment for hiring. These hiring costs will cover the maintenance or replacement for a normal wear and tear of these objects. Hiring costs do not cover the breakage or abusive return time.

Infos complémentaires

ressources entete intitule remarques Location Caution Disponibilité
DVD La grande tradition du photo-reportage. Date d'acquisition : 17/08/2011 0.00 € 30.00 € ressources libelle statut ok
DVD Le renouveau de la photographie contemporaine. Date d'acquisition : 17/08/2011 0.00 € 30.00 € ressources libelle statut ok
DVD La photographie conceptuelle. Date d'acquisition : 23/08/2011 0.00 € 30.00 € ressources libelle statut ok
Livre Mary Ellen Mark. Date d'acquisition : 17/08/2011 0.00 € 20.00 € ressources libelle statut ok
Livre Joel Meyerowitz. Date d'acquisition : 23/08/2011 0.00 € 20.00 € ressources libelle statut ok
Livre Joan Fontcuberta. Date d'acquisition : 17/08/2011 0.00 € 20.00 € ressources libelle statut ok
Livre Après la photographie. Date d'acquisition : 17/08/2011 0.00 € 25.00 € ressources libelle statut ok
Livre reGeneration2. Date d'acquisition : 23/08/2011 0.00 € 45.00 € ressources libelle statut ok
Livre Un nouveau paysage humain. Date d'acquisition : 17/08/2011 0.00 € 48.00 € ressources libelle statut ok
Appareil photo Minolta 5000, 24x36 argentique. Date d'acquisition : 02/06/2012 0.00 € 100.00 €
Flash Minolta Program 2800 AF. Date d'acquisition : 02/06/2012 0.00 € 50.00 €
ressources titre liste ressources

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