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22 juin 2012.

Photo trainings in Annecy

Photo courses for beginners.

Master easily photography

With simple explanations, you will truly enjoy your digital reflex camera. Discover how to improve the quality of your photos thanks to important parameters such as the exposition, the depth of field and colors. Via our trainings, photography will become for you a child’s play !

Programme : Learn on the ground

During our urban report, you will learn on the ground as it is in this conditions that you will ask the best to your camera. We propose you a rich programme of knowledges under various useful and technical aspects, artistic and stylistic aspects.

Practical and technical :

  1. Choose your photographic equipment depending on what you use it for.
  2. Functioning of the reflex camera.
  3. White balance, iso sensitivity, first adjustments.
  4. P.A.S/T.M. modes of the digital reflex camera.
  5. The depth of the field, diaphragm, focal length.
  6. Plane and depth of the field : Demonstration in macro photography.
  7. Play with the weather, out-of-focus pictures, understanding the light.
  8. Flash, good exposition, adapting to the light.
  9. Work with low light and difficult conditions.
  10. Bracketing and HDR capture technology

Command, the goal :

  1. Advantages of the RAW format or of the JPG compression.
  2. Digital quality, levels, histograms and curves.
  3. How to cast off your computer screen before retouching.
  4. Master its digital chain for better printings.
  5. Formats used for web printer.
  6. Preparing photographs for inkjet printers.
  7. Saving and archiving photographs.
  8. Broadcasting, authors’ rights and laws.

Creation and perception :

  1. Framing, composition of a photograph, sharpness.
  2. Highlighting someone in the picture, master the degree of attention.
  3. Complex creations and realizations, understanding the visual perception.
  4. Involving a model, realizing photoshots and actings.
  5. Physical support , restrained space and mental construction of the photographs.
  6. Working on a photograph serie, realization.
  7. Reading portfolios to improve your skills.

The goals of this training :

Courses deepen manifold photographic techniques. Thanks to those courses, you will have trainings and thinking over that enable you to search and find original and innovative pictures. They also permit you to overstep technical impositions and to explore photography from a creative view. Practice will help you to organize your photoshots and to complete your projects. Those courses are given in French and are open to people who has at least a reflex camera.

Teaching people

Our trainings are given by recognized professionals who work in both trainings and in photography. Our methods change and depend on the trainees’ requirements and requests. Stéphan Lamielle, a professional photographer, artist and exhibitor will be your trainer.

Membership and dues

Our association wants to pass on photographic and artistic knowledges that will make you more effective in your activities and more professional in your trade. You can access to this photo training (7 hours) and other activities by a contribution of 210,00 € (or the conversion in Swiss francs) Becoming a member of our association means also :

  1. A follow-up after your training via forums and portfolio readings.
  2. The access to art jaunts, workshops, reports.
  3. The progressive integration to a collective of photography specialists.
  4. Deductions on photo festival accesses.
  5. Benefit from our network, find a support for your artistic projects.
  6. Access to our artistic creation dynamics.
  7. Collaborate and show artistic projects and exhibitions.
  8. Encounters with friends of the collective and photo cafés.

Suscribe to the training.

 Keep one Saturday of your choice below (bouton inscription).
 Give us back your membership form (pdf) as soon as possible.
 We’ll confirm you your membership when we’ll receive the form.

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