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Social photo reports
[fr]La création authentique reflète la société que nous (…)

In progress: Portraits of our villages.
A collection of notes and testimonies accompagnied with photographs. A work made instantly that can be discovered as the photographs are collected.
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Nos aïeux, nos archétypes, notre ombre.
Se détacher de notre culture, sans titiller notre part d'ombre refoulée, fouiller l'introspective des civilisations, affronter nos archétypes pour extraire le meilleur de nos inconscients collectifs.
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We play with fire, and so our environment is burning.
Mankind learns from its mortal mistakes. Fear of death corrects those tendencies too rarely. The artwork, similar to a social observation, only reveals our ridiculous foolishness, and also shows (…)
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- 7/54 novice
- 17/54 tranquille
- 18/54 débutant
- 6/54 facile
- 6/54 intermédiaire
- 8/54 intermédiaire
- 2/54 endurant
- 2/54 expert
- 25/54 Civilizations
- 54/54 Experienced
- 44/54 Beginner
- 21/54 Exhibition
- 16/54 Mankind
- 5/54 Partnerships
- 42/54 Professional
- 13/54 Projects
- 10/54 Encounters
- 29/54 Urban
- 17/54 Activité du collectif, escapades, expositions
- 7/54 ajouter_derniers_forums
- 4/54 Art appliqué, Artisanat, Métier d’art, Design, Architecture
- 6/54 Art traditionnel, plastique, Peinture, Sculpture, Dessin
- 5/54 Documents
- 47/54 Nature
- 30/54 Photographie, Art vidéo, Film expérimental, Cinéma d’animation
- 19/54 Photographies
- 5/54 Services